USDBC Meets with FDA to Discuss Soy Allergen Issue

October 28, 2015
Posted in: News

USDBC staff and board met with leadership from the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) food labeling staff in Washington, DC to discuss concerns with the unintentional presence of soybeans in dry bean deliveries and the impact on labeling.

Soy is considered by FDA as one of eight major allergens, prompting concerns from canners who have rejected dry bean deliveries based on the presence of a single soybean.

While most folks we spoke to feel it is highly unlikely that such a low level presence could cause a reaction, there are no scientific guidelines that define acceptable tolerance levels. FDA staff counseled USDBC staff to publicize the “may contain” labeling guidelines, and felt that without any defined tolerance levels for allergens, these should provide guidance.

USDBC is also studying research already conducted on the impact of cooking/processing on allergen protein and will look to have more information available in the next months.